Thursday 12 April 2012

At good old CCAD, for our last, first year module, we've been set two tasks the first is a fashion element, to design three garment shapes!! I've chosen dresses, I felt that dresses were the right choice as there was more room to create a design and there more girly!! All of the garment shapes have to be based around embellished and embroidered surfaces so no printing this time. I like the embroidery part it just takes an age sometimes! I'm sure it'll all be worth it in the end though it usually is!

There all a floral theme, as this was part of the task, so I'll just have to get my machine out and crack on!!

Saturday 7 April 2012

The last few months have been very exciting and very busy. February -- March 
February, I went to Paris the main event of the trip was to visit the Premier Vision fashion trade show and in particularly the Indigo section where CCAD (my uni) had a stand. Although the show was very interesting I think I'm more of an interiors person than fashion but it was a worthwhile experience and I spent the rest of the trip soaking up the scenery of Paris and trying to keep warm as it was literally freezing!!

March, I went to London it was lovely and the weather was gorgeous!! This was to tie in with Chelsea Harbour an interior design show, which was lovely and confirmed my believe that I'm more an an interiors person. Whilst in London we also visited the studio of Zandra Rhodes this was an experience, it was cluttered but amazing!! Again all the touristy stuff was observed like a trip to Harrods, Liberty's and the V&A.
                Zandra Rhodes Silk Screens

And Liberty's!!